About us

We share a common passion – cycling, travelling, long or shorter distances. We want to share this passion to others. The Kolo Ultra Association was established in 2019, but we used to cycle together much earlier. You can read here about the history of KU and our ideas for cycling together.


7 June 2014

It all started in June 2014, when a group of people gathered around the podozerowerowe.info forum took up the challenge of covering a 500 kilometers distance by bike for the first time, in the marathon formula.


Next year some of these people were not only a participants but also a co-organizers of the next edition of the Travelers’ Marathon. The popularity of the event, the unique atmosphere and the interest of the cycling brothers were conducive to the development of the ultracycling.


New marathon formulas have appeared on the horizon, in 2016 the North-South Marathon joined the family…


… and Carpathian Madcap next year. In the supportive atmosphere we started to grow.


Growing popularity of our events was pushing forward. New ideas were popping up. In this way, at the end of 2018, a decision was made to establish the association.

12 March 2019

Kolo Ultra Association was registered as NGO.

The Kolo Ultra Association is the coordinator of 6 bike marathons of different kind.

Traveler’s Marathon
Bloody Loop
Karpacki Hulaka
Carpathian Madcap
Poland Gravel Race
Poland Gravel Race
Maraton Północ - Południe
North-South Marathon

unconventional formulas

We want our events to stand out with unconventional formulas, thus giving joy and unforgettable memories to their participants.


We arrange challenges for both, beginners and advanced cyclists.

safety first

The safety of the participants is the highest value. Non-negotiable when making decisions about our events.


We believe that a friendly atmosphere and sports competition can go hand in hand and thus they are an integral part of the events signed with our logo.

Kolo Ultra Association
Kolo Ultra Association

Przejazd Str. 4/95
02-654 Warsaw, Poland
TAX ID 5213859619
KRS   0000775279
REGON   382809553

IBAN: PL08160014621856203610000001